I cant believe that there is only about 15 weeks left until my due date. Time is going by so fast, yet so slow :) Tim and I are getting very anxious to meet the little girl. She has been moving a ton and so far the thing that gets her moving most is..American Idol and when I put my headphones on my belly she goes crazy I think we have a dancer/singer on our hands. Here is what WebMD says is going on in the 24th week of pregnancy.
You're 24 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures around 8.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 1.2 pounds. He is starting to produce white blood cells, an important component of blood that is responsible for combating disease and infection, and may respond to your touch or sounds. Your uterus is about 1.5 to 2 inches above your navel. Expect to gain about a pound per week this month. Tests for detecting gestational diabetes are given between now and 28 weeks.
Also Tim went turkey hunting so here are some pic's of his kills :) yum, fresh turkey meat!